Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What an incredible place it is. The building it's located in, first of all, is absolutely gigantic. Also the home of ABC-7, Politico's office is very wide open, and surprisingly quiet for a hot topic newspaper. We situated ourselves in a conference room over looking one of the many [blank]95 Routes in DC. We met with the gorgeous
Beth Frerking and Kendra
Kendra began at Politico a few years ago, while Beth has been around since the start-up. Their stories were absolutely incredible - and it was very encouraging to see a young reporter with great success in the industry. It made me want to graduate TODAY!

Beth is not only an assistant managing editor, but is also in charge of hiring new employees. The information on what she looks for in potential candidates is absolutely invaluable! She was tough, and stern - and everything an in
credible boss should be!

We also met with Marty Kady.
He was extremely intelligent and kind, and very straight forward about how tough it is to balance work and family in this industry.

It was really great to hear from EVERY angle of Politico - not only in their positions but the stages of life they are in, as well!

On a sad note - only about 8 more classes until the semester is completely over - I can't believe it! This has been the greatest three months of my life, so far. The relationships and connections have been bigger and greater than anything I could have ever imagined.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

And the city humbles me - again! I don't believe I'll ever take this gorgeous place, with such incredible people, for granted. Yesterday, after speaking with the NRA in the morning - our class went to the Rayburn Building on Capitol Hill to speak with Representative Carolyn McCarthy.

I admit - she's an incredible woman - although we share very different views. She is the first speaker we've had this ENTIRE semester who not only intrigued me with her story - but made the wheels in my head spin about beliefs I thought I was steadfast about.

After losing her husband, and nearly her son, in a shooting incident on a train in Long Island - Carolyn McCarthy came to Congress to speak up about issues, such as gun control, that are plaguing our country at this time.

Her son, a former Wall Street employ, is still recovering from the incident - but is doing very well and is now happily married with children!

While Carolyn McCarthy and I may stand on opposite ends of the spectrum, this class has taught me that, as a journalist, my mind must remain open and uncritical of others.

Such an invaluable lesson once again taught by one of the greatest programs in the country!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Today was so gorgeous outside! Me and my friend AR showed up to class WAY too early - but it was too nice to waste the time inside the NPB. So, we decided to head towards the monument to see the Cherry Blossoms!

Everything is so pretty and there are people EVERYWHERE. I cannot wait to spend the entire Summer here and explore everything else this city has to offer. After our excursion into the pretty city, we had to go back to class - which wasn't bad because we met RON BONJEAN!

He's a really intelligent man, and he gave some of the best advice of any speaker we've had so far. I couldn't even put a price on the amount of incredible things he spoke about.

He's definitely an inspiration to all journalists, young and old. He owns his own PR firm, now and as the owner of a company, he offered a wealth of knowledge on the subject of what he looks for in his applicants. There are a lot of different things that employers look for, so it was nice to actually speak to someone in our field about what HE looks for.

He also gave a lot of great advice about what to do after college. He made sure we understood how important it is to NETWORK. "This town is built on relationships," he explained. And a relationship with Ron Bonjean is one I definitely want to develop!

He also gave us great insight as to how to grab the attention of employers since they are receiving thousands of applications monthly. The experiences and information I am receiving here are truly priceless. I don't believe that I could have ever wished for a better semester! THANK YOU AMERICAN UNIVERSITY <3

Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's Spring time in D.C. - and the weather is awful! I've been sick for a week now - and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon, unfortunately.

This past Monday, my Journalism Seminar met with ED HENRY!

He was probably one of the funniest speakers we've had, yet! It was such a humbling experience listening to his story. He was also in the Washington Semester Program, except he didn't return home for his senior year - instead he stayed in D.C. and worked for

Jack Anderson!

He eventually took enough classes to receive a degree, however he now works for CNN as the White House correspondent - and it's impossible to say if he would be where he is now without having worked so hard as an intern under Anderson.

He jokingly poked fun at multiple students during his lecture - especially one female who was late to class. For the first time this semester, I didn't even WANT to look at my iPhone, laptop, speak with my best friend - none of that. I was completely focused on Ed Henry, and he was absolutely incredible.

He gave me a lot of motivation that I seemed to be losing a little bit of recently due to the daily hustle and bustle of the city and commuting! He gave me a bit of a recharge and a bunch of inspiration to keep me going through this last month!

WOW...only one more month in this incredible city - how upsetting!

Monday, March 28, 2011

It has been a very eventful month between my classes and my internship! The last time I went to my internship I actually went to the PENTAGON with Stars and Stripes reporter, Megan McCloskey.

I sat in on a press conference in the actual press room to listen in on an interview with an Admiral aboard a ship in the Mediterranean Sea! The focus was of course on the controversy in Libya. It was extremely interesting to not only hear from Admiral Gerard Hueber, but to also hear the questions from the 30 some people seated in the room.

There was a military official directing the entire conference. He chose whose turn it was to speak and ask questions. I was able to watch the journalism process in action in the same room as Barbara Starr from CNN and from Dave Martin from CBS, who visited our class a few weeks ago.

I even was back in the Radio and Print offices before and after the actual conference. I was able to speak with people from Stars and Stripes, Reuters, and Politico! It was truly the most incredible experience I have had thus far in D.C.

I cannot express how important an internship is while in this great big city. It's getting me even more excited for graduation - I just want to get out and be the real thing!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I have officially seen the entire White House!

(Well, the parts that the public is allowed to see).

I can't believe how incredible it is. I toured the West Wing last fall, and it was the experience of a life time - but I never thought I'd get a tour of the East Wing, too. My entire class toured every room in the East Wing with my Aunt guiding us along the way. She has been in the Air Force for over 15 years and works in the White House Military Office. She has the job of a life time...not that I know what she actually does, though.

It's unfortunate that pictures are forbidden inside the White House, because the gorgeousness cannot possibly be described! The color coordination of each room and specific furniture and art is chosen by each president through a catalog of archived furniture. I also learned that the East Wing is the First Lady's wing!

The pictures that I was able to see are just priceless. The pictures of the Kennedy's and all of the past Presidents hanging on the walls - it's really something. The tour is so quick though! There were about 10 rooms to see, and then it was done! We were able to take some pictures outside, though - so here they are!

^ My aunt and I.

What an eventful week thus far! It is incredible how crucial networking is in this great city! On Monday, our class took a small field trip to the Foreign Press Center. We had a board of between 4 and 5 people from different countries. It was especially cool to see the foreign students from my class have the opportunity to speak with members from their countries in the press. I didn't realize the issues in their home countries are just as plentiful as the issues in the United States.

Being in the city has also kept me extremely active and interested! I wear a pedometer on a daily basis and I'm taking over 12,000 steps a day! And, with the rise of healthy eating and nutritional conscious being spread throughout the world - the city is a great place to maintain a diet. It's easy to stay active and the greatest time of year for D.C. is quickly approaching: Cherry Blossom time!

I'm really excited to see the city transform for a whole week! I've been told that it almost always rains during the time that Cherry Blossoms bloom, so I'll have to go for a long walk the next time it's nice out!

To be honest, driving into the city every morning never gets old. I am still just as amazed by the Washington Monument, Capital Builidng and White House.

It's such an incredible place!